Diabetic Foot Screening

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Diabetic Foot Screening

Diabetes can cause nerve damage and poor circulation in the feet, making it hard to identify injuries or changes in foot health. Regular check-ups allow us to quickly identify and treat any problems before they become serious.

During the screening, we'll look at your skin and nails for signs of infection or injury. We'll test for nerve damage by measuring your reactions and the sense of feeling in your feet, and we'll check for abnormalities in the shape, structure, and circulation of your feet.

We provide regular diabetic screening appointments, but if you're worried about an injury that's not healing or signs of infection such as warmth or discolouration around an injury, give us a call and we'll see you as soon as we can.

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Give us a call on 0151 647 7498 or fill in the form below and we'll get back to you.

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